Quantitative Characterization and Dynamic Law of Interlayer Interference for Multilayer Commingled Production in Heavy Oil Reservoirs by Numerical Simulation

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DOI: 10.4236/wjet.2019.73028    505 Downloads   1,248 Views  Citations


This paper moves one step forward to build numerical model to research quantitative characterization and dynamic law for interlayer interference factor (IIF) in the multilayer reservoir which was heavy oil reservoirs and produced by directional wells. There are mainly four contributions of this paper to the existing body of literature. Firstly, an equivalent simulation method of the pseudo start pressure gradient (PSPG) is developed to quantitatively predict the value of IIF under different geological reservoir conditions. Secondly, the interlayer interference is extended in time, and the time period of the study extends from a water cut stage to the whole process from the oil well open to produce a high water cut. Thirdly, besides the conventional productivity interlayer interference factor (PIIF), a new parameter, that is, the oil recovery interlayer interference factor (RIIF) is put forward. RIIF can be used to evaluate the technical indexes of stratified development and multilayer co-production effectively. Fourthly, the effectsof various geological reservoir parameters such as reservoir permeability and crude oil viscosity, etc. on the PIIF and RIIF’s type curves are discussed in detail and the typical plate is plotted. The research results provide a foundation for the effective development of multilayer heavy oil reservoirs.

Share and Cite:

Liu, D. , Zhang, F. , Zhu, Q. , Wang, X. and Fan, J. (2019) Quantitative Characterization and Dynamic Law of Interlayer Interference for Multilayer Commingled Production in Heavy Oil Reservoirs by Numerical Simulation. World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7, 379-395. doi: 10.4236/wjet.2019.73028.

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