Research on the Trust Model Based on the Groups’ Internal Recommendation in E-Commerce Environment
Nan REN, Qin LI
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2009.24036   PDF    HTML     7,196 Downloads   11,461 Views   Citations


The trust plays an extremely important role in online shopping. In order to make online shopping trusty, this paper puts foreword a new trust model in e-commerce environment GIR-TM (Groups’ Internal Recommendation Trust Model). First, it regarded the network as a combination of groups, and then did the internal recommendation based on these groups. The GIR-TM, in the process of recommendation, distinguished clearly between the trust degrees of recommen-dation node and the trust degrees of recommended node, and then calculated the integrated credibility value of the recommended node according to the weight of recommendation node in the group, the partial trust degree and the de-gree of recommendation when the recommendation node recommends the recommended node, and the overall credibil-ity value of recommended node as well. Lastly through listing the experimental data and comparing with the HHRB-TM (History and Honest Recommendation Based Trust Model) on the same condition, it is verified that GIR-TM is feasible and effective.

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REN, N. and LI, Q. (2009) Research on the Trust Model Based on the Groups’ Internal Recommendation in E-Commerce Environment. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2, 283-287. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2009.24036.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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