Formal Derivation of the Combinatorics Problems with PAR Method ()
Partition-and-Recur (PAR) method is a simple and useful formal method. It can be used to design and testify algo-rithmic programs. In this paper, we propose that PAR method is an effective formal method on solving combinatorics problems. Furthermore, we formally derive combinatorics problems by PAR method, which cannot only simplify the process of algorithmic program's designing, but also improve its automatization, standardization and correctness. We develop algorithms for two typical combinatorics problems, the number of string scheme and the number of error per-mutation scheme. Lastly, we obtain accurate C++ programs which are transformed by automatic transforming system of PAR platform.
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SUN, L. and SUN, Y. (2009) Formal Derivation of the Combinatorics Problems with PAR Method.
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
2, 195-199. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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