The validity and reliability of Kogan’s attitude towards old people scale in the Turkish society
Dilek Kiliç, Derya Adibelli
DOI: 10.4236/health.2011.39101   PDF    HTML     9,431 Downloads   18,200 Views   Citations


This study was conducted methodologically in order to determine the validity and reliability of Kogan’s Attitude towards Old People Scale after being adapted to the Turkish Society. 145 female students, attending the 4th and 5th year of the faculty of Medical Sciences at Atatürk University, and 118 nurses, working at Ataturk University Aziziye-Yakutiye Research Hospitals, were in-cluded in the study. The sample group was chosen from the population using a non-probability convenience sampling method. A form containing demographic characteristics of nurses and nursing students, and the Turkish version of Kogan’s Attitude towards Old People Scale were used to gather the required data. Data was analysed using the t-test, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, correlation, and factor analyses. In the study, Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient for Kogan’s Attitude towards Old People Scale was 0.81, and the scale comprised of one factor. The attitude of working nurses towards old people was more positive in comparison to the attitude of student nurses. After analysis, the scale was deemed highly valid and reliable, and suitable to be used for Turkish society. The scale may be used in studies to evaluative attitude toward old people and quality of the care offered to older people.

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Kiliç, D. and Adibelli, D. (2011) The validity and reliability of Kogan’s attitude towards old people scale in the Turkish society. Health, 3, 602-608. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.39101.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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