The relationship of mineral and geochemical composition to artificial radionuclide partitioning inYenisei river sediments downstream frommining-and-chemical combine rosatom
Bondareva Lydia, Artamonova Svetlana
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.37073   PDF    HTML     5,934 Downloads   10,321 Views   Citations


Discharges from the Mining-and-Chemical Com- bine (MCC) of Rosatom, downstream from Krasnoyarsk-26, near of the Krasnoyarsk resulted in radioactive contamination of sedi-ments of the River Yenisei. The concentration of artificial gammaemitting radionuclides (137Cs, 60Co, 152Eu, and 241Am) was determined to analyze the migration processes leading to the transport of these radionuclides. The concentration of artificial radionuclides in the surface layers of the studied area varied in wide ranges: 137Cs – 318 - 1800 Bq/kg, 60Co – 87 - 720 Bq/kg, 152Eu – 12 - 287 Bq/kg and 241Am – 6 - 76 Bq/kg. There was a sequence of migration of radionuclides investigated in the surface layer of sedi-ments that were collected in the near zone of influence of the MCC: 241Am ≈ 152Eu >60Co >137Cs. Radionuclide species have been found to be directly related to sediment structure and composition.

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Lydia, B. and Svetlana, A. (2011) The relationship of mineral and geochemical composition to artificial radionuclide partitioning inYenisei river sediments downstream frommining-and-chemical combine rosatom. Natural Science, 3, 517-529. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.37073.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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