Study of Decoherence of Entangled States Made up of Two Basic States in a Linear Chain of Three Qubits


Using Lindblad approach to study decoherence of quantum systems, we study the decoherence and decay of entangled states, formed by two basic states of a chain of thee qubits. We look on these states for a possible regular dependence on their decay as a function of their energy separation between the basic states under different types of environments. We didn’t find regular or significant dependence on this energy separation for the type of environment considered.

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Velázquez, G. and Cabrera, G. (2015) Study of Decoherence of Entangled States Made up of Two Basic States in a Linear Chain of Three Qubits. Journal of Modern Physics, 6, 1701-1710. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2015.611172.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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