Power Quality Improvement Strategy for Wind Energy Conversion System


Wind energy is one of the world's fastest growing energy technologies, as wind is an intermittent renewable source, the wind source extracted by a wind turbine is therefore not constant. For this reason, the fluctuation of wind power results in fluctuated power output from wind turbine generator. From the point of view of utilities, due to the fluctuation of generator output, it’s not appropriate for the generator to be directly connected to the power grid. In order to achieve the condition that the generator output power is suitable for grid-connection, it is necessary to use a controller to manage the output produced by the wind turbine generator. This paper proposes a novel control scheme of a three-phase grid-connected wind energy conversion system to improve the power quality of WECS. The WECS model consists of a permanent magnet generator and the electronic power conditioning system is composed of full bridge rectifier, close loop boost converter, three phase inverter. Wind generation is being increasingly connected at distribution level due to increasing load demand. The inverter is controlled to perform following function 1) power converter to inject power generated from WECS to the grid, and 2) shunt APF to compensate current unbalance, load current harmonics, load reactive power demand Validation of the proposed system is verified through MATLAB/Simulink simulation.

Share and Cite:

Gandhare, W. and Hete, S. (2014) Power Quality Improvement Strategy for Wind Energy Conversion System. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2, 186-192. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2014.24026.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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