Educational Technology and Educational Management in the Higher Education: New Ways of Forming Professionals ()
Naura S. C. Ferreira,
Monaliza E. O. Haddad,
Adriano A. Faria
Doctoral Program in Education, Tuiuti University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
Learning and Development Institute, Araucária, Brazil.
Master and Doctorate Degrees in Education, Tuiuti University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
DOI: 10.4236/jss.2014.22002
Discussing the importance of
Educational Technologies is essential for building the Educational Management
in the Higher Education since it has a strong indication on the necessity of
discussing problems that involve the scientific-technological context and the
social context. Aiming to understand how the educational practice is dealt
with and how it can add valuable contributions to the challenge of searching
for knowledge. With this premise, we present the problem: How should we use the
Information and Communication Technologies in Education for the Higher
Education? What is the role of the teacher in the Higher Education and how
his/her networking discourse contributes to create more symmetrical relations
than the ones we have in a traditional educational context? Is the use of
Information and Communication Technologies able to establish a new way of
coexisting with a world that strives to become more human, demanding new means
of intervention to humanize the relations? With these questions in mind, we
developed a research with the objective of analyzing the usage of educational
technology in the Higher Education. Nowadays, the Educational Technology has to
be thought, learned and used as a resource and a mean to qualify and humanize
everyone. This research was carried out through considerations and investigations
on the Research Line of “Public Policies and Educational Management” of the
Post-Graduation program in Education of the Tuiuti University of
Paraná/Brazil. From this research, we could infer that using the Information
and Communication Technologies in Education as a pedagogical resource is
necessary as a valuable “support” in forming the creative and critical thought
when the apprentice takes ownership of the theoretical-methodological and
ethical-political basic principles of Information and Communication
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Ferreira, N. , Haddad, M. and Faria, A. (2014) Educational Technology and Educational Management in the Higher Education: New Ways of Forming Professionals.
Open Journal of Social Sciences,
2, 7-11. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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