Patterns of Interpersonal Coordination in Rugby Union: Analysis of Collective Behaviours in a Match Situation


This study aims to analyze how intra-team coordination patterns in the team sport of rugby union influenced successful performance. We hypothesized that high interpersonal coordination patterns are a crucial issue to cross (or not) the gain line. Video record and digitizing procedures were used as a method to collect data for further analysis of interpersonal coordination patterns that took place during the formation of subunits of attack. The results showed the existence of three types of outputs, which differ depending on the correlations between attackers and defenders. Therefore, for high and positive values of interpersonal coordination (r values between 0.8 < r < 1), there are possibilities of action that lead to success when the opponents have inverse or lower values of correlation. The conclusion was that interpersonal coordination within subunits becomes a relevant factor in analyzing the success in each game situation.

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Rodrigues, M. and Passos, P. (2013) Patterns of Interpersonal Coordination in Rugby Union: Analysis of Collective Behaviours in a Match Situation. Advances in Physical Education, 3, 209-214. doi: 10.4236/ape.2013.34034.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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