Distribution of glyphosate and cloransulam-methyl resistant giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) populations in southern Ontario


Giant ragweed is a very competitive weed in row crop production and has been found to drastically reduce soybean yield. In 2008, giant ragweed was the first weed species with confirmed resistance to glyphosate in Canada. As of 2010 there were 48 locations with confirmed glyphosate resistant giant ragweed in Essex, Kent and Lambton counties. In addition, there was suspected resistance to cloransulam-methyl. The objectives of this research were 1) to conduct an expanded field survey on the distribution of glyphosate resistant giant ragweed in Ontario, 2) to determine the distribution of cloransulam-methyl resistant giant ragweed in Ontario, and 3) to determine the distribution of multiple resistant (glyphosate and cloransulam-methyl) giant ragweed in Ontario. In 2011 and 2012 giant ragweed seed was collected from 85 field sites in Essex (16), Kent (34), Lambton (23), Elgin (3), Middlesex (6), Lennox & Addington (1), Huron (1) and Brant (1) counties. In total there are 34 additional locations confirmed with glyphosate resistant giant ragweed in Ontario. There are 11 locations confirmed with cloransulam-methyl resistant giant ragweed and 5 locations with multiple resistance to both glyphosate and cloransulam-methyl. Glyphosate resistant giant ragweed has been found in 4 additional counties.

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Follings, J. , Soltani, N. , Robinson, D. , Tardif, F. , Lawton, M. and Sikkema, P. (2013) Distribution of glyphosate and cloransulam-methyl resistant giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) populations in southern Ontario. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 570-576. doi: 10.4236/as.2013.410077.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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