Clinical supervision for novice millennial nurses in the perinatal setting: The need for generational sensitivity


This paper reports on a qualitative research study that examined the experience of expert and novice nurses participating in a new, reflective program of “clinical supervision”, intending to facilitate the transition of new graduate nurses into the workforce. Three patterns emerged during the constructivist inquiry: readiness to reflect, valuing of clinical supervision, and sustainability of the clinical supervision model. The researchers suggest generational sensitivity as a key perspective to consider when developing engaging workplace strategies for millennial nurses. The article offers recommendations for the implementation of clinical supervision and would be of interest to nurse leaders in a clinical setting.

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Watson, J. , Macdonald, G. and Brown, D. (2013) Clinical supervision for novice millennial nurses in the perinatal setting: The need for generational sensitivity. Open Journal of Nursing, 3, 373-378. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2013.35050.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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