On the Exponential Decay of Solutions for Some Kirchhoff-Type Modelling Equations with Strong Dissipation
Yaojun Ye
DOI: 10.4236/am.2010.16070   PDF    HTML     5,856 Downloads   11,040 Views   Citations


This paper deals with the initial boundary value problem for a class of nonlinear Kirchhoff-type equations with strong dissipative and source terms in a bounded domain, where and are constants. We obtain the global existence of solutions by constructing a stable set in and show the energy exponential decay estimate by applying a lemma of V. Komornik.

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Ye, Y. (2010) On the Exponential Decay of Solutions for Some Kirchhoff-Type Modelling Equations with Strong Dissipation. Applied Mathematics, 1, 529-533. doi: 10.4236/am.2010.16070.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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