In the Shadow of the Serbian Paramilitary Units: Narrative Patterns about the Role of Paramilitary Units in Former Yugoslav Conflict
Maria Vivod
DOI: 10.4236/aa.2013.31004   PDF    HTML     7,741 Downloads   12,202 Views   Citations


This article1 offers several basic data about Serbian paramilitary units employed in the armed conflict of the 1990’s during the decomposition of the former Yugoslavia, with the goal to depict the transformation of the representation of the paramilitary unit members and their leaders essentially through Serbian media. Once, at the beginning of the conflicts, represented as the saviors, protectors of the Serbian nation, ever present as main figures of the public life of the 90s—they have fallen into oblivion after a decade. Their most notorious leaders are either dead or in prison. After the fall of the Milo?evi? regime (2000) their involvement in war crimes, looting and genocide reached Serbia. From being divinized gradually they become diabolized. The contemporary events and happenings in Serbia are explained in the light of the past of these paramilitary units.

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Vivod, M. (2013) In the Shadow of the Serbian Paramilitary Units: Narrative Patterns about the Role of Paramilitary Units in Former Yugoslav Conflict. Advances in Anthropology, 3, 23-32. doi: 10.4236/aa.2013.31004.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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