Cross-kink multi-soliton solutions for the (3+1)-D Jimbo-Miwa equation ()
In this paper, by using bilinear form and extended
three-wave type of ans¨atz approach, we obtain new cross-kink multi-soliton
solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional Jimbo-Miwa equation, including the periodic breather-type
of kink three-soliton solutions, the cross-kink four-soliton solutions, the
doubly periodic breathertype of soliton solutions and the doubly periodic
breather-type of cross-kink two-soliton solutions. It is shown that the
generalized three-wave method, with the help of symbolic computation, provides
an effective and powerful mathematical tool for solving high dimensional
nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics.
Share and Cite:
Xu, Z. and Chen, H. (2012) Cross-kink multi-soliton solutions for the (3+1)-D Jimbo-Miwa equation.
Open Journal of Applied Sciences,
2, 215-218. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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