The Determinants of Interest Rate Spreads in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation


The paper examines the determinants of interest rate spreads in Nigeria using a panel of 12 commercial banks for the period 1986-2007. The results suggest that cash reserve requirements, average loans to average total deposits, remuneration to total assets and gross domestic product have positive effect on interest rate spreads. However, non-interest income to average total assets, treasury certificate and development stocks have negative relationship with interest rate spreads. In general, the findings that suggest a reduction in cash reserve ratio, high bank overhead costs amongst others will help to moderate the high interest rate spreads in Nigeria.

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Akinlo, A. and Owoyemi, B. (2012) The Determinants of Interest Rate Spreads in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation. Modern Economy, 3, 837-845. doi: 10.4236/me.2012.37107.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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