New Methods in University Entrepreneurship Education: A Multidisciplinary Teams Approach


There is currently much debate about what methodological innovations are necessary for entrepreneurship education in universities in the new competitive context. The current work describes the methodology, process of implementation and main results from the evaluation of the first year of a project to test an innovative teaching methodology involving the elaboration of business plans by multidisciplinary teams of university students studying degrees in chemical engineering, industrial engineering, computer engineering, and business management in the University of La Laguna (Spain). The results suggest that the methodology has the potential to boost entrepreneurial spirit among the students, and that it is a model of learning that is closer to reality than more traditional methodologies.

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García-Rodríguez, F. , Gil-Soto, E. and Ruiz-Rosa, I. (2012) New Methods in University Entrepreneurship Education: A Multidisciplinary Teams Approach. Creative Education, 3, 878-883. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.326132.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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