Viewing Learning Through a New Lens: The Quantum Perspective of Learing


We are living in a quantum world where virtuality allows us to transcend time and space. Boundaries, which were considered to be predetermined, are no longer absolute. This has important implications for the field of education as educators advance e-learning. However, education theory has been outpaced by practice. In this paper the authors propose a new learning perspective— the quantum perspective of learning which moves beyond current popular educational theories of constructivism (Siemens, 2005) and connectivism (Vygotsky, 1978). The five assumptions of the quantum perspective of learning are explored. Specifically, learning is multi-dimensional, occurs in various planes simultaneously, consists of potentialities which exist infinitely, is holistic/holographic in nature and is patterned within holographic realities, and learning environments are living systems. Implications that arise from this perspective are discussed.

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Janzen, K. , Perry, B. and Edwards, M. (2012) Viewing Learning Through a New Lens: The Quantum Perspective of Learing. Creative Education, 3, 712-720. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.36106.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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