A digital cmos sequential circuit model for bio-cellular adaptive immune response pathway using phagolysosomic digestion: a digital phagocytosis engine
Sayed Mohammad Rezaul Hasan
DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2010.35065   PDF    HTML     5,705 Downloads   9,692 Views   Citations


Living systems have to constantly counter micro-or- ganisms which seek parasitic existence by extracting nutrition (amino acids) from the host. Phagocytosis is the ingestion of micro-creatures by certain cells of living systems for counter nutrition (breakdown of the micro-creature into basic components) as part of cellular adaptive immune response. These particular cells are called phagocytes, all of which are different types of white blood cells or their derivatives. Phagocytes are activated by certain components of the micro-creatures which act as an antigen, generating an- tibody secretion by the phagocyte. This paper develops a digital CMOS circuit model of phagocytosis: the immune response biochemical pathway of a pha- gocyte. A micro-sequenced model has been developed where the different stages in phagocytosis are modeled as different states clocked by circadian time intervals. The model converts the bio-chemical immune system digestive pathway into a cascade of CMOS multi-step logical transformations from micro-crea- ture ingestion to the secretion of indigestible residuals. This modeling technique leads to the understanding of cellular immune deficiency diseases of living systems in the form of logical (electrical) faults in a circuit.

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Hasan, S. (2010) A digital cmos sequential circuit model for bio-cellular adaptive immune response pathway using phagolysosomic digestion: a digital phagocytosis engine. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 3, 470-475. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2010.35065.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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