The Double-Slit Experiment and Particle-Wave Duality: Toward a Novel Quantum Interpretation ()
The double-slit experiment demonstrates the quantum physics particle-wave duality problem. Over the last decades many interpretations were introduced to the quantum theory perception problem. In most cases there was use of unclear terms, or obscure processes in these interpretations, such as particle splitting. In this paper we propose a novel concept to explain the experiment based on two postulates: The Equivalence of Form (EoF), and the particles connection to other particles, effectively functioning as a group. These two condi-tions are necessary to maintain wave qualities in the collective relations, and therefore cannot exist in a sin-gle particle. De Broglie introduced the mathematical relation of particle to wave; however, he did not specify the conditions for that. The proposed interpretation is a new way of looking at particles as a united group, the Kevutsa, which has a higher order level of matter. A series of identical particles maintain additional qualities to show a large united, correlated motion that we observe as waves transport through systems.
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I. Orion and M. Laitman, "The Double-Slit Experiment and Particle-Wave Duality: Toward a Novel Quantum Interpretation,"
Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2010, pp. 90-92. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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