Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice
Qingren Cao, Xiaobing Yang
DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2010.31021   PDF    HTML     6,340 Downloads   10,564 Views   Citations


To control coal miner’s unsafe behavior, miner and manager behaviors were analyzed, and a behavior control system model was constructed. The necessity conditions of optimal management behavior of coalmine manager in both complete information and incomplete information condition were studied. The result established that, only if the estimated value of unsafe behavior by manager was the same as the estimated value of unsafe behavior by miner, namely both miner’s behavior control and manager own behavior control were optimal, the optimal behavior control of coalmine manager were achieved. Because some factors influenced manager’s behavior unavoidably, it is very difficult for coalmine manager to achieve his optimal behavior choice. It is the underlying reason for many managerial defects, even errors inherent in the coalmine safety management.

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Cao, Q. and Yang, X. (2010) Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice. Journal of Service Science and Management, 3, 165-172. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2010.31021.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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