Ovulation detection mechanism—a microcomputer based approach ()
This paper presents a real-time microcomputer-based logger for measuring basal body temperature (BBT). BBT is the normal resting body temperature of a healthy person immediately upon waking in the morning. The temperature for women normally rises after ovulation due to hormonal changes. The temperature is logged real-time into the computer over a period and the BBT chart produced is used to predict ovulation. There is high correlation between the approach developed by this study and other standard measuring equipments—correlation of 0.9945with standard thermistor, and correlation of 0.9977 with standard thermocouple. This development enables privacy of use, allowing women to predict their ovulation status at a personal level.
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Ogidan, O. , Bamisaye, A. and Adetan, O. (2011) Ovulation detection mechanism—a microcomputer based approach.
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering,
4, 769-773. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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