The Relationship between Teachers’ Effectiveness and Management of Classroom Misbehaviours in Secondary Schools
Bonke A. Omoteso, Adeola Semudara
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.29136   PDF    HTML     9,855 Downloads   20,308 Views   Citations


The study investigated the nature of classroom misbehaviours among secondary school students in Ondo State, Nigeria. It also determined the effectiveness of the teachers and the strategies adopted by the teachers to manage classroom misbehaviours. Furthermore, it established the relationship between teachers’ effectiveness and management of classroom misbehavior with a view to maintaining discipline in schools. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The population comprised the teachers and school administrators in Ondo State. The sample consisted of 420 teachers and 180 school administrators selected randomly from 10 secondary schools selected by stratified sampling technique using location of schools and ownerships of schools as strata. Two instruments namely “Questionnaire on Management of Classroom Misbehaviour” (QMCM) and “Teacher Effectiveness Scale” (TES) were used to elicit information from the students. QMCM was made up of three sections. Section A consisted of items on socio-demographic variables such as sex, location of schools and ownership of schools. Section B requested the teachers to indicate the types of misbehavior that take place in the classroom and their frequencies of occurrence. Section C comprises strategies used by teachers to manage classroom misbehaviours. TES was the ratings of teachers’ effectiveness as done by the school administrators. Results showed that the following misbehaviours occurred frequently in the classrooms: talking while was teaching (75.4%) and fighting (90.9%). The strategies adopted by teachers included giving advice (90.5) and referring the students to the school counsellors (88.6%). The teachers were rated effective in attending classes punctually (81.3%) and in communicating clearly with the students (96.0%). Furthermore, there existed a significant relationship between teachers’ effectiveness and management of classroom misbehavior, r = 0.0525 which is significant at .05 level.

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Omoteso, B. and Semudara, A. (2011) The Relationship between Teachers’ Effectiveness and Management of Classroom Misbehaviours in Secondary Schools. Psychology, 2, 902-908. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.29136.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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