Detection of Mechanical Deformation in Old Aged Power Transformer Using Cross Correlation Co-Efficient Analysis Method
Asif Islam, Shahidul Islam Khan, Aminul Hoque
DOI: 10.4236/epe.2011.34073   PDF    HTML     8,746 Downloads   14,066 Views   Citations


Detection of minor faults in power transformer active part is essential because minor faults may develop and lead to major faults and finally irretrievable damages occur. Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) is an effective low-voltage, off-line diagnostic tool used for finding out any possible winding displacement or mechanical deterioration inside the Transformer, due to large electromechanical forces occurring from the fault currents or due to Transformer transportation and relocation. In this method, the frequency response of a transformer is taken both at manufacturing industry and concern site. Then both the response is compared to predict the fault taken place in active part. But in old aged transformers, the primary reference response is unavailable. So Cross Correlation Co-Efficient (CCF) measurement technique can be a vital process for fault detection in these transformers. In this paper, theoretical background of SFRA technique has been elaborated and through several case studies, the effectiveness of CCF parameter for fault detection has been represented.

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Islam, A. , Khan, S. and Hoque, A. (2011) Detection of Mechanical Deformation in Old Aged Power Transformer Using Cross Correlation Co-Efficient Analysis Method. Energy and Power Engineering, 3, 585-591. doi: 10.4236/epe.2011.34073.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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