Evaluation of the Gas Turbine Inlet Temperature with Relation to the Excess Air ()
This paper shows the effect of excess air on combustion gas temperature at turbine inlet, and how it determines power and thermal efficiency of a gas turbine at different pressure ratios and excess air. In such a way an analytic Equation that allows calculating the turbine inlet temperature as a function of excess air, pressure ratio and relative humidity is given. Humidity Impact on excess air calculation is also analyzed and presented. Likewise it is demonstrated that dry air calculations determine a higher level for calculations that can be performed on wet air.
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Martínez, F. , Martínez, A. , Velazquez, M. , Diez, P. , Eslava, G. and Francis, J. (2011) Evaluation of the Gas Turbine Inlet Temperature with Relation to the Excess Air.
Energy and Power Engineering,
3, 517-524. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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