A Critique of Recent Criticisms of Freud on Religious Belief
Thomas W Smythe
DOI: 10.4236/ojpp.2011.11002   PDF    HTML     22,086 Downloads   40,857 Views   Citations


The paper is a critique of recent criticisms of Sigmund Freud’s theory that religion is based on wishful thinking. The criticisms made by authors such as Alvin Plantinga, John Hick, William P. Alston, William Rowe, and Merol Westphal are critically examined. I defend Freud’s critique of religion as a satisfaction of our deepest desires for a heavenly father showing inductively that those desires render religious belief as unlikely to be true.

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Smythe, T. (2011) A Critique of Recent Criticisms of Freud on Religious Belief. Open Journal of Philosophy, 1, 11-15. doi: 10.4236/ojpp.2011.11002.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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