Creating Student Engagement? HMM: Teaching and Learning with Humor, Music, and Movement
William B Strean
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2011.23026   PDF    HTML     9,892 Downloads   19,180 Views   Citations


With growing concerns about student engagement, the theme of creative teaching and learning provides an excellent catalyst to consider methods that enhance students’ classroom experiences. Good teaching is akin to weaving a fabric of connectedness between student, teacher, and subject (Palmer, 2007). Teacher-student connection and student engagement are the two most important ingredients in teaching (Lowman, 1995). This paper explores three effective methods of weaving the fabric and engaging students in higher education. Examples of how to use humor, music, and movement to deepen learning while adding energy, engagement, and interaction are offered. A review of research supporting the methods explored in this paper is included.

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Strean, W. (2011) Creating Student Engagement? HMM: Teaching and Learning with Humor, Music, and Movement. Creative Education, 2, 189-192. doi: 10.4236/ce.2011.23026.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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