The Odd-Point Ternary Approximating Schemes
Ghulam Mustafa, Abdul Ghaffar, Faheem Khan
DOI: 10.4236/ajcm.2011.12011   PDF    HTML     5,272 Downloads   10,808 Views   Citations


We present a general formula to generate the family of odd-point ternary approximating subdivision schemes with a shape parameter for describing curves. The influence of parameter to the limit curves and the sufficient conditions of the continuities from C0 to C5 of 3- and 5-point schemes are discussed. Our family of 3-point and 5-point ternary schemes has higher order of derivative continuity than the family of 3-point and 5-point schemes presented by [Jian-ao Lian, On a-ary subdivision for curve design: II. 3-point and 5-point interpolatory schemes, Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, 3(2), 2008, 176-187]. Moreover, a 3-point ternary cubic B-spline is special case of our family of 3-point ternary scheme. The visual quality of schemes with examples is also demonstrated.

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Mustafa, G. , Ghaffar, A. and Khan, F. (2011) The Odd-Point Ternary Approximating Schemes. American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 1, 111-118. doi: 10.4236/ajcm.2011.12011.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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