Twenty years study of solar, geomagnetic, cosmic ray activity links with monthly deaths number (n-850304)


The interrelationship between human life and death at the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI centuries is the topic of this study. The aim of the study is to study links between time, Solar (SA), Geomagnetic (GMA) and Cosmic Ray (CRA) (Neutron) activity and monthly deaths distribution from all and six subgroups of death causes in years 1990-2009 for ad-ditional clarification of the role of exogenic factors in human homeostasis. Methods and patients: 850304 deaths (44657 men, 400647 woman) and 6 subgroups were studied in 240 consecutive months in the Re-public of Lithuania in relation to the months of year (1 - 12), 4 indices of SA (Sunspot number and Solar Flux), 3 indices of GMA (planetary and regional for the Middle Latitudes), and CRA described by Neutron activity on the Earth's surface-remains of crushed atoms in the high space levels and measured by Imp/min. The cosmophysical data came from Space Science Institutions in the USA, Russia and Finland. Statistical analysis of the results for monthly comparison are presented. Results: It was a significant and inverse relationship of monthly deaths number for both gender with CRA and SA, less with GMA. It was a significant drop of deaths from IHD and sui-cides. Oncology deaths also show similarity in their timing with other groups. A strong inverse rela-tionship was seen in monthly death number from IHD and Stroke. (r = -0.76, p < 0.0001), woman show more seasonality in death's distribution. Most deaths show annual rhythm with acrophase in February. Only Suicide pick appears in the summer months. Conclusion: at the beginning of the XXI century, in addition to accepted risk factors, environmental physical activity is linked to timing of death. Cosmic Ray (Neutron) activity is one of the main regulators of this relationship. Stroke related deaths are becoming a more prominent cause in the collection of car-diovascular deaths. Suicide related deaths show a drop, possibly related to a massive trend for immi-gration in the high risk group of the population. The precise mechanism of action of the studied physical factors needs additional studies.

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Stoupel, E. , Kalediene, R. , Petrauskiene, J. , Starkuviene, S. , Abramson, E. , Israelevich, P. and Sulkes, J. (2011) Twenty years study of solar, geomagnetic, cosmic ray activity links with monthly deaths number (n-850304). Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 4, 426-434. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2011.46054.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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