A Promising Way of Resource Utilization in China: Converting Waste Oils and Fats to Biodiesel


Most of Biodiesel, a clean burning alternative fuels for diesel engines is made from renewable agricultural feedstock, such as rapeseed oil, soybean oil etc., but less expensive biodiesel can also be made from waste oils and fats, including recycled restaurant grease and animal fats. Because of the eating habit of the nation and diet culture in china, restaurant-kitchen garbage is increasingly serious and has negative impact on environment and food security. The utilization of waste oils and fats to biodiesel provide a promising way of how to appropriately and effectively dispose of restaurant-kitchen garbage. This paper first reviews the development status of biodiesel industry, then introduces the novel technology of tubular reaction for producing biodiesel from waste oils and fats on the typical industrialization case in Kunshan. All these efforts are expected to provide a viable development path for our waste oil to produce biodiesel and worth reference to waste oils and fats recycling and reuse.

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Liu, S. and Wu, C. (2014) A Promising Way of Resource Utilization in China: Converting Waste Oils and Fats to Biodiesel. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2, 1-9. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2014.26001.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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