Genetically modified crops and climate change linkages: An Indian perspective


Genetically Modified Crops (GMCs) and Climate Change (CC) are the two most contentious ecological issues the world faces today. Application of transgenics in agriculture is most debated because of its direct and indirect implications. The advertized benefits in the backdrop of the potentially harmful effects on health and environment make this an issue of greater concern. On the other hand, Climate Change is a problem of enormous scale and its after-effects even more grave. The impact of climate change on agriculture, though well researched, is still very uncertain. Further, the introduction and global embrace of a technology with unverified credentials may prove to be an ill-conceived and ill-timed act. The future of GMC technology in India will be both challenging as well as exciting. Therefore any decision on this front should be taken with scientific rigor and logic. Our aim is to explore this complex inter-relationship and provide impetus for further research.

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Kaur, A. , Kohli, R. and Jaswal, P. (2013) Genetically modified crops and climate change linkages: An Indian perspective. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 541-548. doi: 10.4236/as.2013.410073.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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