Fabrication and characterization of cross-linked gelatin electro-spun nano-fibers
Thi-Hiep Nguyen, Byong-Taek Lee
DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2010.312145   PDF    HTML     11,766 Downloads   24,264 Views   Citations


In this study, we developed a fast, simple and novel process to fabricate cross-linked electro-spun gelatin with limited amounts of glutaraldehyde (GA) using trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as the solvent. Using SEM, the uncross-linked gelatin fibers were determined to have diameters between 50-300 nm, while the cross-linked gelatin electro-spun fibers had diameters between 100-500 nm. FT-IR revealed that the un-cross-linked and cross-linked electro-spun gelatin was fabricated successfully by electro-spinning using TFA as a solvent, which has not been reported until now. Stress-strain curves showed that the addition of small amounts of GA increased the strength of the gelatin by two fold and allowed for the creation of a water insoluble gelatin electro-spun membrane.

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Nguyen, T. and Lee, B. (2010) Fabrication and characterization of cross-linked gelatin electro-spun nano-fibers. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 3, 1117-1124. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2010.312145.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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