Polarization Jitters Caused by Fiber Nonlinearity in PM Optical Communication System


The phenomenon of polarization jitters caused by fiber nonlinearity is investigated. A general formula about the polarization jitter is concluded in polarization multiplexing (PM) system based on two orthogonal linear polarization states when the best polarization correction is used. A 100 Gb/s PM system based on NRZ code is investigated by simulation, and the Stocks parameter about polarization jitter and Poincare sphere diagrams are got for different power and phase difference of two orthogonal polarized light. The results show that the polarization jitters will be suppressed when the combined PM signal is the linear or circular polarization state.

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Liu, L. , Wu, C. , Yang, W. , Wang, J. and Liu, G. (2013) Polarization Jitters Caused by Fiber Nonlinearity in PM Optical Communication System. Optics and Photonics Journal, 3, 202-208. doi: 10.4236/opj.2013.32B048.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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