Investigating Numeric Relationships Using an Interactive Tool: Covering Number Sense Concepts for the Middle Grades ()
This article investigates intriguing number patterns utilizing an emerging technology called the Square Tool. Middle School math teachers will find the Square Tool useful in making connections and bridging the gap from the concrete to the abstract. Pattern recognition helps students discover mathematical concepts. With the development of puzzles, games, and computer programs, students learn and practice the skills that are created in the mathematics classrooms. By studying patterns that exist within different number arrangements, consistencies are observed among them. Middle School students will investigate various mathematics relationships found in numbered squares including multiples, factors, ratios of comparative numbers, and other mathematical concepts.
Number Sense, Number Patterns and relationships, Puzzles, Games, Computer Programs, Number Arrange-ments, Multiples, Factors, Ratios of Comparative Numbers, Investigation, Number Squares, Number Games
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Su, H. , Marinas, C. and Furner, J. (2010) Investigating Numeric Relationships Using an Interactive Tool: Covering Number Sense Concepts for the Middle Grades.
Creative Education,
1, 121-127. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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