Profile Modification for Increasing the Tooth Strength in Spur Gear Using CAD
Shanmugasundaram Sankar, Maasanamuthu Sundar Raj, Muthusamy Nataraj
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2010.29096   PDF    HTML     14,758 Downloads   29,543 Views   Citations


This paper examines the tooth failure in spur gears. Corrective measures are taken to avoid tooth damage by introducing profile modification in root fillet. In general, spur gear with less than 17 numbers of teeth had the problem of undercutting during gear manufacturing process which minimizes the strength of gear at root. In this study, a novel design method, namely circular root fillet instead of the standard trochoidal root fillet is introduced in spur gear and analyzed using ANSYS version 11.0 software. The strength of these modified teeth is studied in comparison with the standard design. The analysis demonstrates that the novel design exhibit higher bending strength over the standard trochoidal root fillet gear. The result reveals that the circular root fillet design is particularly suitable for lesser number of teeth in pinion and where as the trochoidal root fillet gear is more opt for higher number of teeth.

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Sankar, S. , Raj, M. and Nataraj, M. (2010) Profile Modification for Increasing the Tooth Strength in Spur Gear Using CAD. Engineering, 2, 740-749. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.29096.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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