Neuroplasticity and Positive Psychology in Clinical Practice: A Review for Combined Benefits


Research on using positive psychological perspectives to drive brain plasticity in a positive direction is increasingly encouraging and empowering for clinicians and clients. Increased lifespan with neuroplastic gains was found by Diamond in lab rats when they were held and spoken to. Improvements in brain chemistry, architecture and performance associated with lifestyle choices are now being documented in humans with increasing frequency of reports. Positive psychology can strengthen this trend toward increases in wellbeing by using this evolving research for motivation to increase healthy lifestyle choices, for reinforcement of successive approximation toward these goals and for the many gains associated with greater happiness.

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Shaffer, J. (2012) Neuroplasticity and Positive Psychology in Clinical Practice: A Review for Combined Benefits. Psychology, 3, 1110-1115. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.312A164.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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