Amperometric Determination of Serum Cholesterol with Pencil Graphite Rod
Nidhi Chauhan, Jagriti Narang, Chandra S. Pundir
DOI: 10.4236/ajac.2010.12006   PDF    HTML     6,703 Downloads   12,975 Views   Citations


A cholesterol oxidase from Streptomycin sp. was immobilized onto pencil graphite rod and employed for amperometric determination of serum cholesterol. The method has the advantage over earlier amperometric methods that it requires low potential to generate electrons from H2O2, which does not allow ionization of serum substances. The optimum working conditions of amperometric determination were pH 6.8, 25?C and 30 s. The current measured was in proportion to cholesterol concentration ranging from 1.29×10-3 to 10.33×10-3 M. Minimum detection limit of the method was 0.09 ×10-3 M. Mean analytical recovery of added cholesterol (100 mg/dl and 200 mg/dl) in serum was 85.0% & 90.0% respectively. Within batch and between batch coefficients of variations were 1.59% & 4.15% respectively. A good correlation (r = 0.99) was obtained between serum cholesterol values by standard enzymic colorimetric method and the present method. No interference by metabolites was observed in the method. The enzyme electrode was reused 200 times over a period of 25 days, when stored at 4?C

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Chauhan, N. , Narang, J. and Pundir, C. (2010) Amperometric Determination of Serum Cholesterol with Pencil Graphite Rod. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 1, 41-46. doi: 10.4236/ajac.2010.12006.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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