Some Inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard Type for Functions Whose 3rd Derivatives Are P-Convex ()
1. Introduction
The following definition is well known in the literature.
Definition 1.1. A function is said to be convex if
holds for all.
In [1], the concept of the so-called -convex functions was introduced as follows.
Definition 1.2. ([1]) We say that a map
belongs to the class if it is nonnegative and satisfies
for all.
In [2], S. S. Dragomir proved the following theorems.
Theorem 1.1. ([2]) Let be a differentiable mapping on and. If
is convex on, then
Theorem 1.2. ([2]) Let be a differentiable mapping on and. If is convex on for, then
Theorem 1.3. ([3], Theorems 2) Let be an absolutely continuous function on such that
for. If is quasi-convex on, then
For more information and recent developments on this topic, please refer to [4-14] and closely related references therein.
The concepts of various convex functions have indeed found important places in contemporary mathematics as can be seen in a large number of research articles and books devoted to the field these days.
In this paper, we will establish some new HermiteHadamard type inequalities for functions whose rd derivatives are P-convex.
2. A Lemma
In this section, we establish an integral identity.
Lemma 2.1. Let be a three times differentiable mapping on and. If, then
Proof. Integrating by part and changing variable of definite integral yield
The proof of Lemma 2.1 is complete.
3. Hermite-Hadamard’s Type Inequalities for P-Convex Functions
Theorem 3.1. Let be differentiable on, , and If is -convex on for, then
Proof. Since is a -convex function on, by Lemma 2.1 and Hölder’s inequality, we obtain
The proof of Theorem 3.1 is complete.
Corollary 3.1.1. Under the conditions of Theorem 3.1, if, we have
Theorem 3.2. Let be differentiable on, , and. If is -convex on for, then
Proof. From Lemma 2.1, Hölder’s inequality, and the -convexity of on, we drive
Theorem 3.2 is proved.
Theorem 3.3. Let be differentiable on, , and If is -convex on for, then
Proof. From Lemma 2.1, Hölder’s inequality, and the -convexity of on, we have
Theorem 3.3 is thus proved.
Theorem 3.4. Let be differentiable on, , and If for is -convex on and, then
Proof. Using Lemma 2.1, Hölder’s inequality, and the -convexity of on yields
The proof of Theorem 3.4 is complete.
Corollary 3.3.1. Under the conditions of Theorem 3.4(1) if, then
(2) if, then
(3) if, then
Finally we would like to note that these Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities obtained in this paper can be applied to the fields of integral inequalities, approximation theory, special means theory, optimization theory, information theory, and numerical analysis, as done before by a number of mathematicians.
4. Acknowledgements
The first two authors were partially supported by the Science Research Funding of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities under Grant No. NMD1103.