On neutrino Oscillations and Predicting the 125 GEV Two Photon Emission State from p-p Collisions Based on the 5D Homogeneous Space-Time Projection Model


Previously the 5D homogeneous space-time metric was introduced with explicitly given projection operators in matrix form which map the 5D space-time manifold into a Lorentzian space-time. Based on this projection model, vector field and spinor solutions are found to be expressible in terms of SU(2)xL and SU(3)xL, where L is the 4D Lorentz space-time group. The spinor solutions give the SU(2) leptonic states arising from space-time projection, whereas the SU(3) representation arises from conformal projection and gives the quarks, and due to gauge requirement leads to mesons and baryons. This process of mapping the 5D space-time manifold into the 4D space-time is at the basis of an analysis of the recent CERN experimental results, the presence of neutrino oscillations and the observed 125 GeV resonance in the p-p collisions, respectively. In fact, it is found that the spinor solution contains an oscillating phase, and the 125 GeV resonance is shown to be predictable, thereby 1) eliminating the need to introduce a Higgs vacuum, and 2) can be shown possibly to be an indicator for a missing heavy baryon octet.

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K. Wong, G. Dreschhoff and H. Jungner, "On neutrino Oscillations and Predicting the 125 GEV Two Photon Emission State from p-p Collisions Based on the 5D Homogeneous Space-Time Projection Model," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 3 No. 10, 2012, pp. 1450-1457. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2012.310179.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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