Dieselization and Road Transport CO2 Emissions: Evidence from Europe


Road transport carbon dioxide emissions were analyzed, by focusing on a panel of 14 European countries for the time span 1995-2007. We deal with the existence of contemporaneous correlation by using the Panel Corrected Standard Errors estimator. We extend the empirical literature by controlling the effect of new diesel passenger car registrations and the average power of those vehicles. The price of gasoline and income reduce road transport carbon dioxide emissions, while population density and average power of new diesel passenger cars raises those emissions. We deepen the debate about dieselization, concluding that saving emissions by using diesel tend to be surpassed by the increased kilometers driven.

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Marques, A. , Fuinhas, J. and Gonçalves, B. (2012) Dieselization and Road Transport CO2 Emissions: Evidence from Europe. Low Carbon Economy, 3, 54-62. doi: 10.4236/lce.2012.33008.

1. Introduction

European countries have been expressing deep environmental concerns for some time and now play a leading role worldwide in the fight against pollution. To achieve this purpose, the European Union (EU) has been implementing environmental policies to counteract the degradation of the ozone layer and to bring the green house effect to an end. The EU has established directives for its member states in order to restrain and diminish the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG), namely carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, nitric acid and ozone. Since CO2 is the major GHG released into the atmosphere (98% in 2007 for the EU15), it is essential to reduce its emissions in order to work against global warming and climate change. Substantial CO2 emissions originate in the transport sector (25% in 2007 for the EU15, excluding the international traffic departing from the EU) and almost all of this comes from road transporttation (93% in 2007 for the EU15). This large contribution makes this sector one of the largest polluters with respect to oil fuel combustion.

The road transport sector includes both motorcycles and automobiles. The latter consist of: 1) passenger cars (PC) (84.4% of the number of automobiles sold in 2007 for the EU15); 2) commercial vehicles (15.2%); and 3) buses and coaches (0.4%). Since PCs constitute the majority of automobiles on European roads, they play a crucial role in road transport CO2 emissions. As a consequence, the EU decided to make voluntary agreements with the automobile manufacturers’ associations, the ACEA [1] JAMA [2] and KAMA [3], in order to promote the decrease of the average CO2 emissions per km, by each new PC.

The literature regarding CO2 emissions from PCs brings to the fore a vast normative perspective, but it suffers from scarce empirical support. This paper contributes to the empirical evidence, focusing on the drivers of road transport CO2 emissions. Overall, the nature of drivers can be socio-economic, demographic, energetic, manufacturer or market. In particular, we work on the questions: 1) is dieselization actually reducing CO2 emissions released by PCs? And 2) how does GDP per capita influence CO2 emissions? The responses may define important policy measures to facilitate a reduction in road transport CO2 emissions. For this purpose, we use a panel dataset for thirteen years (1995-2007) from the EU15 (except Greece). These countries belong to Europe, which has been in the front line of the reduction of road transport CO2 emissions, and they are selected to fulfill the criteria of the longest time span with available data for drivers we control. In accordance with the common policies guidance from the EU, the econometric methods take into account the contemporaneous correlation.

We extend the literature on road transport CO2 emissions by: 1) showing the relevant role of the drivers of new diesel PC registrations per 1000 inhabitants, and the average power of new diesel PCs registered; 2) shedding light on the debate of the pros and cons of dieselization; 3) discussing the importance of car sharing and the use of public transport in the reduction of CO2 emissions; and 4) applying panel econometric techniques that cope well in the presence of common political guidance.

The paper is organized as follows: the second section consists of a literature review, the third presents the data and methodology used in this work. Section 4 provides the results obtained, the fifth section discusses those outcomes and section 6 concludes.

2. Literature Review

In a modern society, CO2 emissions are generated by numerous sectors. Energy industries, manufacturing, construction, transport and other sectors, like comercial/institutional, residences, agriculture/forestry/fishery, all contribute to environmental damage. According to the source of CO2 emissions, different literature is applied and several methodologies can be found. The literature on road transport CO2 emissions, particularly from PCs, evolves according to two main perspectives: 1) the normative; and 2) the empirical. The normative focuses on the analysis of CO2 emissions, considering both characteristics and fleet composition of PCs [4]. The empirical perspective includes several techniques, namely the decomposition analysis of CO2 emissions [5], and the panel data approach [6]. The influence of the various vehicle characteristics on the changes in CO2 emissions from PCs was analysed by [5], in Greece and Denmark between 1990 and 2005. In their turn, Ryan et al. [6] focused on the relationship among variables like fuel price, vehicle taxes, income and population density.

As noted by Stead [7], PCs using different fuel types release different amounts of CO2. Indeed, the average diesel PC releases smaller quantities of CO2 per km in comparison to the average gasoline car [8]. A diesel engine consumes 20% to 30% less fuel per km than a gasoline engine equivalent [9]. Nevertheless, while consuming 20% less, it only releases 9% fewer grams (g) of CO2 per km than gasoline engines [10]. Apart from the fuel economy of diesel PCs, as Pock [11] pointed out, diesel cars have also been upgraded, namely in comfort and driveability, and their retail price is lower in relation to gasoline cars in most European countries. This has all contributed to the trend known in Europe as dieselizetion, which consisted of a sustained diesel market growth. On the one hand, authors such as Fontaras and Samaras [12] and Cuenot [13], connect dieselization to a reduction in CO2 emissions, as a consequence of the increased fuel efficiency of diesel engines. On the other hand, recent literature minimizes the impact of this trend in reducing CO2 emissions, because of the higher distance travelled by diesel PCs [14]. This phenomenon of longer trips taken by diesel PCs deserves further analysis.

Diesel PCs release inferior average CO2 emissions per km than gasoline cars, when travelling the same distance. Nevertheless, as Schipper [14] points out, these type of vehicles in Europe travel 40 to 100% more than their gasoline counterparts, namely since most taxi drivers, salesmen and businessmen use them. For example, in 2005, in France diesel PCs were driven 64% further than gasoline ones and, in Germany, 80% more [15]. Also in Denmark, in 2007, Papagiannaki and Diakoulaki [5] mentioned that diesel cars travelled twice as far as gasoline PCs.

As stated earlier, the increasing demand for diesel is due to its lower retail price compared to gasoline in most European countries. This asymmetry is a consequence of the lower taxation applied to diesel, which results partly from the professional transport sector lobby, as noted by Pock [11]. Moreover, this author points out that, in the short run, higher fuel prices decrease vehicle use, while in the long run, they cause a reorganization of the PC fleet to more efficient gasoline cars and diesel ones. In the former case, this is true since diesel price and diesel PC ownership expenses are reasonably low. Therefore, in the long run, given the correlation between fuel consumption and road transport CO2 emissions [6], as the former decreases, so CO2 emissions diminish. Such fuel consumption reduction is directly caused, on the one hand, by fewer kilometers driven in the long run [16,17] and, on the other hand, by lower speeds on roads. In fact, fuel consumption diminishes as more drivers circulate at optimum speeds [18]. All these consequences of high fuel prices arise from its impact on families and individuals’ income.

When there are higher incomes, two opposite behaviors can arise. According to Storchmann [19], in the short run, individuals tend to drive more, increasing road transport CO2 emissions. In contrast, over time buyers have greater opportunity to acquire powerful vehicles, but also better equipped with regard to fuel efficiency and technology [18]. Hamilton and Turton [20], when studying GHG emissions in OECD countries from 1982 to 1997, and Hatzigeorgiou et al. [21], when analysing CO2 emissions in Greece between 1990 and 2002, pointed out GDP as the greatest contributor to CO2 emissions. Nonetheless, Tapio et al. [22] noted that in the EU15 countries, from 1960 to 2000, GDP growth decoupled from energy use and, therefore, from CO2 emissions. Another socio-economic factor affecting CO2 emissions is population. Although it makes a positive contribution to road transport CO2 emissions, its effect is not very noteworthy due to the small variations in population figures over time [5]. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile mentioning that increasing population density reduces the number of gasoline PC [6], favouring the use of diesel cars.

Another contributor to road transport CO2 emissions is PC power, which is highly correlated with PC weight. Zervas [4] reported a rise in the average maximum power of both gasoline and diesel cars, from 1995 to 2003, as a result of the improved combustion efficiency. The increase in PC weight and power were in part a result of dieselization [10]. Diesel PCs have experienced a greater growth in power than gasoline ones. Since diesel PCs had to find more torque to increase their power/weight ratio in comparison to gasoline cars, they became more powerful. As a consequence, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions also increased, counteracting the advance of technological standards in fuel efficiency. Regardless of the technical aspects, the last word about the average power of PCs, as Bonilla [18] points out, belongs to consumers, whose preferences when buying a new PC depend on their income.

The greater demand for diesel in Europe produces, however, a negative outcome in the whole CO2 emissions, because it generates inefficiency in the entire fuel supply chain. Indeed, the adjustment of European refineries to the production of diesel causes an increase in CO2 emissions due to higher energy loss. Exportation of gasoline and importation of diesel associated with the lower and higher demand, respectively, of the European PC fleet increases CO2 emissions due to international transportation [23].

In the EU, most decisions aimed at reducing CO2 emissions have a common guidance. To the best of our knowledge, the scarce empirical literature on road transport CO2 emissions has not yet taken into account the possible existence of contemporaneous correlation between the EU countries as a result of the similar policies measures taken in all member states. To that extent, apart from the variables mostly suggested by literature (GDP per capita, population density, and gasoline price), we control for the effect of new diesel PC registrations and average power of new diesel PCs registered on road transport CO2 emissions. The next section describes the data, method and estimation process.

3. Data and Methods

In order to select the appropriate methodology that will give us a full understanding of the object on which we are focused, we must have a thorough understanding of the available data. In this section we present the data, their sources and main characteristics, as well as pursuing a discussion about the methodological choices.

3.1. Data

Data from the year 1995 to 2007 were used, for a panel of 14 EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Greece was excluded for lack of data. Due to the inexistence of data prior to 1995 and subsequent to 2007 for some of the variables, the maximum time span was ascertained (1995-2007). Furthermore, because the remaining countries of EU27 only offer data from 2000 for some variables, we had to limit the study to EU15, except Greece. Otherwise, the actual period of thirteen years (1995-2007) would be only eight years (2000- 2007). Although the number of observations is not exactly the same for all countries, missing values are few, isolated, and purely random. Therefore, we can apply the estimators in our unbalanced panel without causing inconsistency in these estimators.

The main goal of this paper is to make an empirical evaluation, for a panel of 14 European countries, of the explanatory power of several variables over the following dependent variable: road transport CO2 emissions (CO2ROAD). The explanatory variables for understanding the course of CO2ROAD are in accordance with the literature. GDP per capita and population density are important socio-economic drivers of CO2ROAD due to their influence on the PC fleet composition and on the number, frequency, length and speed of journeys. The price of gasoline is highly correlated with the price of diesel, allowing us to control for the impact of energy pricing on CO2ROAD. New diesel PC registrations per 1000 inhabitants enable us to understand the conesquences of dieselization on CO2ROAD. New diesel PC average power, as one of the three major vehicle characteristics (power, weight, engine capacity), allows us to control for the influence of manufacturer drivers on CO2ROAD.

GDP per capita (GDPPC). Income produces two opposite outcomes in families and individuals’ behaviours. On the one hand, a positive signal is observed when higher incomes lead both to increasing the propensity to drive more [19] and to buying powerful vehicles, contributing towards raising CO2ROAD. On the other hand, a negative signal is identified when higher incomes allow individuals to acquire PCs with more advanced fuel efficiency technologies [18]. The final signal depends on the dominance of these two opposite effects. 

Population density (POPDENS). The literature suggests that population influences positively CO2ROAD. The influence is generally low, because over time population does not suffer significant changes [5]. POPDENS has an effect on the PC fleet, since the number of gasoline cars diminishes when POPDENS increases [6]. This effect produces an outcome on CO2ROAD. In accordance, we control for this variable, expecting that large POPDENS will contribute to greater CO2ROAD.

Gasoline price (PRICEG). Energy prices infer on consumer behaviours and preferences, because:

Their available incomes become affected. As a result of high fuel prices, drivers may decrease their fuel consumption travelling at optimum speeds [18]. Moreover, in the long run, the distances travelled may be reduced [16,17] and car owners tend to replace gasoline cars with more fuel efficient ones or with diesel ones [11]. Most PCs worldwide are propelled through gasoline or diesel combustion. PRICEG and diesel price are highly correlated, which prevents their simultaneous use in the estimation, in line with the collinearity concerns. We control for PRICEG, given that it is commonly used in the empirical literature [11,16,17]. A negative relationship is expected between this variable and the CO2ROAD.  

New Diesel PC registrations per 1000 inhabitants (DIESCAR). DIESCAR is used to measure the level of dieselization. As discussed before, the literature suggests two opposite effects regarding dieselization. On the one hand, one could expect a negative signal to CO2ROAD, given that, comparatively, diesel PCs emit lower average CO2 emissions per km [12,13]. On the other hand, a positive signal could be expected due to the larger distances travelled by diesel PCs [14] and thus, dieselization may induce the increase of CO2ROAD. This divergence in the contribution of DIESCAR to CO2ROAD, makes it relevant to identify whether the predominant effect is negative or positive.

New Diesel PC Average Power (AVPOWERD). AVPOWERD corresponds to the average power of new diesel PCs registered in one country for a year. A strong increase in AVPOWERD was observed from 1995 to 2007 [3,24]. Following the literature, we control for AVPOWERD. Since more power requires more fuel consumption ceteris paribus, a positive signal for AVPOWERD is expected in explaining CO2ROAD.

Table 1 shows the variables, their sources and descriptive statistics.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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