Survey and Thought of Financial Management and Education in High School Students in Nanjing


There is a need to improve the financial management ability of high school students in China. This paper carries on a questionnaire survey among some high school students in Nanjing, then analyzes and sumarizes the survey data in order to know the students’ consumption psychology, financial management consciousness and financial education situation. The initial findings reveal that there is limited knowledge of the concept of financial management in high school students. This is reflected in the ability of independent living of high school students being improved. So, this paper has some specific suggestions, e.g. financial institutions and social should provide a wide variety of financial products which are suitable for high school students, and set up education bank so as to keep the sustainable development of education cause. Schools may establish parents committee in order to strengthen the relations between parents and schools, complete the quality-oriented education including financial education.

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Su, W. and Deng, M. (2012) Survey and Thought of Financial Management and Education in High School Students in Nanjing. Creative Education, 3, 228-231. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.32036.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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