A retrospective view on the history of natural sciences in XX-XXI
Vladislav Sergeyevich Olkhovsky
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2010.23035   PDF    HTML     5,440 Downloads   10,884 Views   Citations


The presented paper is dedicated to a new ret-rospective view on the history of natural sci-ences in XX-XXI cc, partially including the sci-ence philosophy (mainly, the problems of the scientific realism, i.e. the correspondence of science to reality) and also a novel scheme for different classes of sciences with different ob-jects and paradigms. There are analyzed the chosen “great” and “grand” problems of phys-ics (including the comprehension of quantum mechanics, with a recently elaborated new chapter, connected with time as a quantum obs- ervable and time analysis of quantum processes) and also of natural sciences as a whole. The particular attention is paid to the interpretation questions and slightly to the aspects, inevitably connected with the world- views of the res- earchers (which do often constitute a part of the interpretation questions).

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Olkhovsky, V. (2010) A retrospective view on the history of natural sciences in XX-XXI. Natural Science, 2, 228-245. doi: 10.4236/ns.2010.23035.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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