Protein phase instability developed in plasma of sick patients: clinical observations and model experiments
Tatiana Yakhno
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2010.23034   PDF    HTML     6,153 Downloads   11,266 Views   Citations


This article discusses the causes of formation of micron-size protein structures in liquid plasma or serum of the patients with different diseases, which are accompanied by inflammatory reac-tions. Self-organizing processes in sessile dry-ing drops of natural and model biological liq-uids are used for study of possible mechanisms of development the protein phase instability in serum. There was shown that violation of opti-mal ratio between albumin and osmotic active components could lead to loss of albumin ag-gregative stability and albumin coagulation structures formation. Possible role of these structures in pathogenesis of inflammation is discussed.

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Yakhno, T. (2010) Protein phase instability developed in plasma of sick patients: clinical observations and model experiments. Natural Science, 2, 220-227. doi: 10.4236/ns.2010.23034.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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