Simulation of Electric Fields in Small Size Divertor Tokamak Plasma Edge ()
The fluid simulation of Small Size Divertor Tokamak (SSDT) plasma edge by the B2-SOLPS5.0 2D [1] transport code gives the following results: First, in the vicinity of separatrix the radial electric field result is not close to the neoclassical electric field. Second, the shear of radial electric field is independent on plasma parameters. Third, switching on poloidal drifts (E×B and diamagnetic drifts) leads to asymmetric parallel and poloidal fluxes from outer to inner plates and upper part of SOL for normal direction of toroidal magnetic field. Fourth, for the normal direction of toroidal magnetic, the radial electric field of SSDT is affected by the variation in temperature heating of plasma. Fifth, the parallel flux is directed from inner to outer plate in case of discharge without neutral beam injection (NBI).
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A. BEKHEIT, "Simulation of Electric Fields in Small Size Divertor Tokamak Plasma Edge,"
Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2010, pp. 39-45. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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