Models of Cancer Growth Revisited


In the present paper we study models of cancer growth, initiated in Jens Chr. Larsen: Models of cancer growth [1]. We consider a cancer model in variables C cancer cells, growth factors GFi ,i= 1,,p, (oncogene, tumor suppressor gene or carcinogen) and growth inhibitor GFi ,i= 1,,p, (cells of the immune system or chemo or immune therapy). For q =1 this says, that cancer grows if (1) below holds and is eliminated if the reverse inequality holds. We shall prove formulas analogous to (1) below for arbitrary p, q∈N, p ≥ q . In the present paper, we propose to apply personalized treatment using the simple model presented in the introduction.

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Larsen, J. (2018) Models of Cancer Growth Revisited. Applied Mathematics, 9, 418-447. doi: 10.4236/am.2018.94031.

1. Introduction

Cancer grows if g = 0 and

α 1 G F 1 0 G I 1 0 + + α p G F p 0 G I 1 0 > β (1)

and is eliminated if the reverse inequality holds. Here α i + , β and G F i 0 , G I 1 0 are initial conditions in C = 0 , see section three for definitions and also [1] . So if you have many (few) growth inhibitors compared to growth factors, cancer is eliminated (cancer grows).

In [1] we proved, that Formula (1) when p = 1 implied that cancer grows and is eliminated if the reverse inequality holds. In the present paper we prove, that cancer grows if g = 0 , p q and

i = 1 p α i G F i 0 + j = 1 q β j G I j 0 > 0 (2)

and is eliminated if the reverse inequality holds. In [1] we also considered a mass action kinetic system with vector field f like the one in Section 4 with p = q = 1 and proved, that there is a relationship between such a model and the model T of Section 3. Namely if you linearize f at a singular point and then discretize the flow then you get a mapping T of Section 3. See section 4 for details.

Consider now the cancer model from [1]

T ( y ) = ( 1 + γ α β δ ( 1 + μ F ) 0 σ 0 ( 1 + μ I ) ) ( C G F G I ) + g (3)

Here g = ( g C , g F , g I ) T , y = ( C , G F , G I ) T 3 , where T denotes a transpose. If you fit my model to measurements, you will get some information about the particular cancer. γ is the cancer agressiveness parameter. If this parameter is high cancer initially proliferates rapidly. α + is the carcinogen severity. β is the fitness of the immune system, its response to cancer. μ F , μ I are decay rates. g is a vector of birth rates. δ gives the growth factor response to cancer and σ gives the growth inhibitor response to cancer. So fitting my model may have prognostic and diagnostic value. If we have a toxicology constraint for chemo therapy or immune therapy with a suitable safety margin

G I P + (4)

then we can keep the system at the toxicology limit by requiring

P = σ C + ( 1 + μ I ) P + g I (5)

which is equivalent to

g I = σ C μ I P (6)

If σ , μ I < 0 , then we can give chemo therapy at this rate. Then we get the induced system

S : 2 2 (7)

( C , G F ) ( 1 + γ α δ 1 + μ F ) ( C G F ) + ( g C + P β g F ) (8)

We shall prove that this treatment benefits the patient in section 2. To get the system to the toxicology limit P assume that we have

G I = η P , η ] 0 , 1 [ (9)

Then looking at the third coordinate of T we see that we shall require

P = σ C + ( 1 + μ I ) η P + g I (10)

which implies that

g I = P ( 1 + μ I ) η P σ C = ( 1 η η μ I ) P σ C (11)

We can also fit the ODE model of section 4 with p = q = 1 , by defining the Euler map

H ( c ) = c + ϵ ( k 21 G F k 43 C G I + a C + k 24 ( k 21 + k 41 ) G F + k 14 k 43 C G I + k 64 k 46 G I ) (12)

c = ( C , G F , G I ) 3 . Iterating this map will give an approximation to the flow. Then k 64 is the rate at which you give chemo therapy. If we have the constraint

G I P (13)

then looking at the third coordinate of H we see that to keep the system at the toxicology limit with a suitable safety margin, we must have

P = P + ϵ ( k 43 C P + k 64 k 46 P ) (14)

Solving for k 64 we get

k 64 = k 43 C P + k 46 P (15)

Since the k i j are positive we can give the chemo therapy at this rate. To get this system to the toxicology limit we shall require

P = H 3 ( C , G F , η P ) = η P + ϵ ( k 43 C η P + k 64 k 46 η P ) (16)

which means, that

k 64 = P ( 1 η ) 1 ϵ + k 43 C η P + k 46 η P (17)

I felt I had to suggest this. If you want to try this you may want to do it stepwise.

In Figure 1, I have plotted a fit of T to three Gompertz functions

C ( t ) = exp ( 0.5 ( 1 exp ( 0.5 t ) ) ) (18)

Figure 1. A fit to Gompertz functions. The upper curve is C ( t ) , the middle G I ( t ) and the lower curve is G F ( t ) . The solid curves are the Gompertz functions and the dots the model T.

G F ( t ) = exp ( 0.3 ( 1 exp ( 0.3 t ) ) ) (19)

G I ( t ) = exp ( 0.4 ( 1 exp ( 0.4 t ) ) ) (20)

From a paper from 1964 [2] we know that solid tumors grow like Gompertz functions. That is the cancer burden is approximately a Gompertz function. Define the error functions

E 1 = i = 1 n ( C i + 1 ( ( 1 + γ ) C i + α G F i + β G I i + g C ) ) 2 (21)

E 2 = i = 1 n ( G F i + 1 ( δ C i + ( 1 + μ F ) G F i + g F ) ) 2 (22)

E 3 = i = 1 n ( G I i + 1 ( σ C i + ( 1 + μ I ) G I i + g I ) ) 2 (23)

where C i , G F i , G I i , i = 1 , , n + 1 are measurements of C , G F , G I at equidistant time points t i = ϵ i , i = 1 , , n + 1 , ϵ > 0 . We set C i = C ( t i ) , G F i = G F ( t i ) , G I i = G I ( t i ) Then solve the equations

E 1 γ = 0 (24)

E 1 α = 0 (25)

E 1 β = 0 (26)

E 1 g C = 0 (27)

in unknowns γ , α , β , g C and

E 2 δ = 0 (28)

E 2 μ F = 0 (29)

E 2 g F = 0 (30)

in unknowns δ , μ F , g F and

E 3 σ = 0 (31)

E 3 μ I = 0 (32)

E 3 g I = 0 (33)

in unknowns σ , μ I , g I . For instance

E 1 γ = 0 (34)


( 1 + γ ) i = 1 n C i 2 + α i = 1 n C i G F i + i = 1 n C i G I i + g C i = 1 n C i = i = 1 n C i + 1 C i (35)

The result is

γ = 0.1344 (36)

α = 0.1656 (37)

β = 0.4023 (38)

g C = 0.598 (39)

δ = 0.017 (40)

σ = 0.06485 (41)

μ F = 0.2664 (42)

μ I = 0.3815 (43)

g F = 0.3312 (44)

g I = 0.4622 (45)

I have also fitted S to two Gompertz functions

C ( t ) = exp ( 0.5 ( 1 exp ( 0.5 t ) ) ) (46)

G F ( t ) = exp ( 0.3 ( 1 exp ( 0.3 t ) ) ) (47)

See Figure 2 and Figure 3. Define error functions



Figure 2. A fit of S to a Gompertz functions. The solid curve is the Gompertz function and the dots are the model S.

Figure 3. A fit of S to a Gompertz functions. The solid curve is the Gompertz function and the dots are the model S.

and measurements. Solve




in unknowns and




in unknowns. The result is







In Maple, there is a command QPSolve that minimizes a quadratic error function with constraints on the signs of the parameters estimated. There are several important monographs relevant to the present paper, see [3] - [8] . There are several publications by the author impacting on the present paper, see [9] - [15] .

2. The Routh Hurwitz Criterion for Maps

We shall derive a well known criterion for stability of a fixed point of a map. To this end define the Möbius transformation


which maps the left hand plane to the interior of the unit disc. This is because




, and








when lies in the interior of. Also



This shows, that g is a bijective map with inverse. Let


denote the characteristic polynomial of the two by two matrix A in (7). Note, that if and and then and. Here





So if then we have the polynomial


If this polynomial is a Routh Hurwitz polynomial, i. e. the roots lie in, then the roots of


lie in the interior of the unit circle. Now compute








and the fixed point of S is stable, then by the Routh Hurwitz criterion



But this implies, by adding these two inequalities, that


However, then


A contradiction to (80). So if is stable, then. Assume now that. If is stable, then


by the Routh Hurwitz criterion. We shall find the fixed points of S, with. From the second coordinate find


Then the first coordinate gives


But the denominator is positive if is stable, by the above. Hence the treatment benefits the patient, because we assume that, and


and we are lowering by.

Now suppose


The assumption implies that -1 is a root of

Since, we have


We claim that is stable, when. But then and are the distinct eigenvalues of A. So there is a change of basis matrix D such that


Clearly both




have unique fixed points and and we clearly have


We need the following definition.

Definition. A fixed point of is stable if given an open neighbourhood of there exists an open neighbourhood of such that for all


for all. A fixed point is unstable if it is not stable.

Now observe, that



Notice that


in the max norm




But now stability follows from the estimate


and this implies that is stable, because S and are conjugate:


If, then we get the estimate when


as. So is unstable and since and S are conjugate, is unstable.

3. Models of Cancer Growth

Consider the mapping






The matrix here is denoted A. T maps to itself. g is a vector of birth rates and. The. Finally . Also put







C is cancer are growth factors and are growth inhibitors,.

Proposition 1 The characteristic polynomial of A is



Proof. With,



Decompose after the last column to obtain, assuming the formula for holds








Suppose henceforth, that


Then the characteristic polynomial of A is


So the eigenvalues are and since


is a factor of, then


are eigenvalues of A, where



For the moment assume. Define the matrix of eigenvectors of A by


We shall find formulas for the complements


of D and the determinant of D,.

Proposition 2 For we have




Proof. Suppose. We are deleting row r. So in column there is only one nonzero element. Decomposing after this column and then after row one we get a matrix with zeroes under the diagonal. The signs here are


is the sign on the complement and is the sign on the complement to. It is in row and column and we delete two rows. is the sign on. Hence


which is what we wanted to prove.

Now suppose that. For we get a matrix with zeroes under the diagonal, so


Now consider the case. Write. After decomposing after rows and row one column two in we are left with


Decompose after rows, to get


which gives


The proposition follows, because


Proposition 3


Proof. We have


Initially let. Now


when and


when. Now decompose after the last column to get




(in the statement of the proposition) we get


Now we shall use induction over q to prove the formula in the statement of the proposition. Decompose after the last row





In B we have decomposed after and then after the rows and in the remaining matrix decomposed after row p and column. The signs here are


The proposition follows.

The aim of our computations is to show that there exists an affine vector field X on such that the time one map is


Let denote an integral curve of X through. Then we shall find a formula for


First notice that






which we assume. We have used that


So the eigenvectors in D are linearly independent, hence


Now define when


where. The flow of Y is



where we denote the last vector. This is readily shown by differentiating with respect to t




Now we get




It follows that is the flow of Y. Now require


that is


We shall require


because then the time one map of Y is


Now define


Then the flows of X and Y are related by


But then the time one map of X is


which is what we wanted.

Theorem 4 Assume, that




We have the formula





Proof. We use the formula




We have


and then


for and for


We shall write


and then we have


When then


while for we have


Notice that


Continuing from (184)






So this gives the first term in


Note that


Now we have




Hence the contribution is from (184)



and the contribution is







The theorem follows.

Now suppose that. Then


. We shall require that. Now define the matrix


The first column is denoted, the second is denoted. Here, both in. Notice that





Now as in [1] we get





and similarly






because we assume that. Exactly as before we get

Proposition 5 For


and for








Proof. The proposition follows immediately from proposition 2 and 3.

The flow of


is, for


We want to have that this equals for, the matrix





Remember the formula


Define when.


where. The flow of Y is



where the last vector is denoted. To see this compute



Now we also get



So is the flow of Y. We need to have


because then the time one map of Y is


Then define


The flows are related by


But then the time one map of X is


which is what we intended to find.

Theorem 6 When then




Proof. We have the following computation



And we want to have



that is


But we have arranged that


so we get



Denote the two by two matrix in the last line


We can also compute the first term in


omitting the factor





hence the first term in





The contribution is omitting the factor





The contribution is, omitting the factor







The theorem follows.

Now assume that. Define


Proposition 7 For q odd and


and for and q odd


For q even and


and for and q even




when q is odd and


when q is even.

Proof. (277) q odd. We are deleting the row r with. Decompose after that column with in it and row one column two. The sign on is


The first sign here is the sign when decomposing after row, except the row with. The second sign is the sign on the complement to. The third sign is the sign on. The last sign is the sign on in column r and row one. (277) follows. Now let. Write. Decomposing after rows to give


We have the sign


on. And we have the sign


on column and row one. Hence the formula. is obvious. And the formulas for q even follow similarly. (281) q odd. First let and. Then


For we get


We have, decomposing after the last column







For q even we get


Now decompose after the last column


Now we get decomposing after the last column







In the determinant B, we have decomposed after row 2 to. In the remaining determinant decompose after row one and column. The proposition follows.

Define for and


From Proposition 7, we get

Proposition 8 For q odd and


and for q odd and


For q even and


and for q even and


Also for q odd and


and for q odd and


For q even and


and for q even and


Finally for q odd




for q even.

4. An ODE Model

In [1] we also considered a three dimensional ODE model of cancer growth in the variables cancer, growth factors and growth inhibitors, respectively. Analogous to what we did in section three define a mass action kinetic system







Here the complexes are, , , , , This defines the rate constants. For a reaction


the forward reaction rate is denoted and the reverse reaction rate is denoted. The differential equations are




We shall find a polynomial giving candidates of singular points of this vector field.

From, we find


where. From, we find


for. Inserted into we get


We can then multiply with


and define the constants


to obtain the polynomial of degree



if we assume that. There is a relation between the ODE model of this chapter, with vector field


and the discrete dynamical system of section three, see also [1] . Linearize the vector field at a singular point and set


Also define the Euler map


for. This is an approximation to the flow of h. If we let










then you obtain a discrete model T of section three.

Example Let and define the rate constants and,. Then there are two positive singular points.

5. Summary

In this paper, we considered a discrete mathematical model and an ODE model of cancer growth in the variables cancer, growth factors and growth inhibitors, respectively. We have shown that this model is a threshold model. If and


then cancer grows, and if the reverse inequality holds, cancer is eliminated. We also proposed personalized treatment using the simple model of cancer growth in the introduction and the ODE model of section four.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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