Novice Teachers (in the Creating Process of) Forming Professional Career Thinking and Teachers Beliefs


The purpose of this study is to identify a process of forming professional career thinking and teachers beliefs. The process is creating on mapping approaches in upbringing in the process of professional thinking of novice teachers. The primary objective of this study is to show methodological possibilities of mapping the process of forming professional career thinking and beliefs of future teachers in the undergraduate training. Undergraduate training then, in relation to the nature of the study, can be simply described as the process of transition from education to the subjective theory of general formal representation of knowledge based on universally shared semantic structure. The study is conducted with the participation of 5 (small focus group) novice teachers on Czech Republic. Novice teachers write essays on the theme “Education process of my beliefs after a one year work on school” and write report (free literacy form) on the questions: “What do you think education is?” “Who participates in education?” “How does education work?” Then was the report of analyses by Meaning Constitution Analyses (MCA) method and its software version Minerva is based on a self-report of an examined person.

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Potmesil, M. , Chudy, S. , Neumeister, P. , Plischke, J. and Bohdana, R. (2014) Novice Teachers (in the Creating Process of) Forming Professional Career Thinking and Teachers Beliefs. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 52-57. doi: 10.4236/jss.2014.211007.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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