Parental Attitude Perceived by University Students as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction


The study aims to analyze whether parental attitudes (democratic, protective, and authoritarian) predict subjective well-being and life satisfaction of university students. Subjects in the study were 414 students, 221 female and 193 male. Perceived Parental Attitudes Scale, Subjective Well-Being Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale were used as data collection tools. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used in the analysis of data. Positive significant relationship was found between democratic parental attitude and subjective well-being and life satisfaction scores; negative relation was found between protective and authoritarian parental attitude and subjective well-being and life satisfaction scores (p < .001). According to regression analysis, perceived parental attitudes predict subjective well-being and life satisfaction significantly

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Deniz, M. , Karakuş, O. , Traş, Z. , Eldeleklioğlu, J. , Ozyeşil, Z. & Hamarta, E. (2013). Parental Attitude Perceived by University Students as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction. Psychology, 4, 169-173. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.43025.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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