The Effects of Teaching Mathematics Performed with the Help of CSCM on Conceptual Learning


This paper explores the effect of teaching mathematics performed with the help of Computer-Supported Concept Maps (CSCM) on the conceptual learning. To achieve this end, CSCM were developed and used in the process of teaching probability subject. Within the true-experimental research method, a pre- and post-test control groups study was conducted with 39 seventh graders—20 in experimental group, and 19 in the control group. Each group was taught three times/week, 40 min/session, for 4 weeks. A 12-item instrument was used to collect data. After the teaching intervention, the same instrument was re-administered to both groups as post-test. The results suggested that students in the experimental group performed significantly better than those in the control group, in terms of conceptual learning.

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Gürbüz, R. , Erdem, E. & Fırat, S. (2012). The Effects of Teaching Mathematics Performed with the Help of CSCM on Conceptual Learning. Creative Education, 3, 1231-1240. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37182.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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