Comparative Study on Methods for Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles


The gold nanoparticles were prepared in many methods, differed in reducing and dispersion agents and stability. The first solution was prepared by using potassium bitartrate as reducing agent and Polyethylene glycol as a dispersion factor. We got a solution of colloid gold with wine-red color that has been measured the particle size; it was between 50 - 200 nanometers. The second gold colloidal solution was prepared by using sodium citrate as a reducing agent and without adding a dispersion agent, the color of the final solution is dark grey, but this solution did not remain stable, deposition happened quickly and crystals separated from the solution. The third one was prepared by using sodium citrate as a reducing agent and the solution was heated to a certain temperature, and the color of the solution became dark red after several minutes. Either the fourth method has been prepared gold colloid solution by using potassium bitartrate as a reductant for the gold ion. We have noted that no reaction under normal conditions, while the reaction by heating the solution to high temperature, and when added poly vinyl pyrrolidone will lead to a solution of colloild gold with dark purple-red color and stable under normal conditions for a long time. We measured the particles size in this experiment; it was less than 100 nanometers. We conclude from the above that all the reducing agent needs to appropriate conditions to complete the process of reduction of gold ion, and to get the nano gold particles, therefore; these particles in the colloid solution need to dispersion factor to the survival of the particles widespread so that the solutions with certain concentrations of poly vinyl pyrrolidone can be proven in the process of stability of the gold colloid solution.

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K. Merza, H. Al-Attabi, Z. Abbas and H. Yusr, "Comparative Study on Methods for Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles," Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2012, pp. 26-28. doi: 10.4236/gsc.2012.21005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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