Limitations of On-Wafer Calibration and De-Embedding Methods in the Sub-THz Range


This paper investigates frequency limitations of calibration and de-embedding techniques for S parameter measurements. First, the TRL calibration methods are analysed and the error due to the probe movement when measuring the different line lengths is quantified, next the coupling between the probe-heads and the wafer surface is investigated and finally an upper frequency validity limit for the standard Open-Short de-embedding method is given. The measured results have been confirmed thanks to the use of an electro-magnetic simulator.

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Potereau, M. , Raya, C. , Matos, M. , Fregonese, S. , Curutchet, A. , Zhang, M. , Ardouin, B. and Zimmer, T. (2013) Limitations of On-Wafer Calibration and De-Embedding Methods in the Sub-THz Range. Journal of Computer and Communications, 1, 25-29. doi: 10.4236/jcc.2013.16005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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