The Combination of Coagulation-Flocculation Method and the SCWO in the Waste Water Treatment Problems


The influence of the degree of wastewater coagulation-flocculation and supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) methodsisconsidered. The regularities of changes in the composition of the purity of the reagents used and the parameters of SCWO are established. Based on the results of chromatographic analysis of the effluent after washing the mass rape, it is found that the achievement of the required parameters is achieved by treatment with a combination of coagulation-flocculation method and supercritical water oxidation (SCWO). The necessity of combining techniques is insufficient oxidation in SCWO lignin conducted at T = 400oC and P = 25 MPa, T = 500oC and P = 30 MPa. Effluent treatment of process of styrene and propylene oxide“Nizhnekamskneftekhim”conducted by the SCWO, using an oxidant (H2O2), and without an oxidant showed the possibility of cleaning without the use of an oxidizing agent in the process parameters T = 500oC, P = 30 MPa.

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Shakirovna Gayazova, E. , Aytuganovich Usmanov, R. , Mukhamedovich Gumerov, F. , Vladimirovich Friedland, S. , Ibrahimovich Zaripov, Z. , Rakibovich Gabitov, F. and Zagitovich Musin, R. (2013) The Combination of Coagulation-Flocculation Method and the SCWO in the Waste Water Treatment Problems. International Journal of Analytical Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography, 1, 48-54. doi: 10.4236/ijamsc.2013.11006.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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